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Man proves why you shouldn't fall asleep with AirPods after swallowing one

Writer's picture: JPC FMJPC FM

After hearing this you will never want to go to bed with your airbuds in again...

Back in February Bradford Gauthier did a pretty normal thing – started falling asleep in front of a movie. He felt himself falling asleep in the first 10 minutes of the film, so as everyone else would do he put his phone down and drifted off to sleep with his AirPods in.

After a quick sleep, he groggily woke up, realised his wireless AirPod's were still in his ear but when trying to remove them he could only find one. The man believed the other one must have fallen out while sleeping but he couldn't find it.

The man explained it wasn't until the next day where serious concern started to build

"I woke up with mild discomfort in my chest, nothing that would usually have caused concern, but with still not being able to swallow the evidence was starting to add up that something was wrong."

He headed to the local medical center and after an x-ray showed the unmistakable shape of the missing earbud.

The man was sedated at an endoscopy center and the AirPod was retrieved using a tube and lasso - and he headed home with it in a "neat little bag".

There was only one question left to answer - did it still work?

"I tried it as soon as I got home," he said. "It works fine, although the microphone is less reliable than it was."


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